this is produce by Brian Lo
thank you for downloading my first repaint of 777(meljet)

if this readme cannot answer your question please read the pdf contact me; email is provide above.


just unzip the folder to your aircrafts directory.C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Aircraft

if you wish to comment on my plane, suggest changes, report bugs or ask questions, contact me at

i'm not too sure but fs2002 people, might have to change the bitmaps from dxt3's to 32-bit with imagetool.exe download at fs2004 homepage.

it doesnt work with fs2000 and fs98

****Please help!!*****

can any advance painter tell me how to paint the hull of the plane, presently its white not green. thanks.


please visit the pdf, user guide v2, and for newbies who wish to start this addictive hobby, start by visiting the repainting guide in contribute to the flightsim community, and have a bit of fun while ur at it.


John Hayes (for his tutorial)
Me (Brian Lo)
Rafi Melvin (


This aircraft is being distributed as Freeware. It may be freely used
as long as it is not sold or included in any package requiring monetary
compensation, and all original files are included, including this license.

The files included in this package are copyrighted to Brian Lo. They are not
to be included in a commercial package, compilation CD, or any other kind
of distribution for which money is charged or to be included on a website
that is not accessible free of charge, without the written permission of
the Author.

You are not allowed to use software to break down the model file into an
editable source file of any kind.

If you do not adhere to the above and still want to repaint/distribute, you must request for permission
via email.


yes, this is my first repaint please give me feedbacks!!!

(c) Brian Lo 2005. All rights reserved